Judging by the “Design Book” Cover
So in the spirit of all the TOP shows that came before, we come to the interior design field where we will search high and low ...or at least in 3 major cities...for the next it person to tell us to paint our living rooms aubergine (a.k.a. dark purple) for that more relaxing, homey feel.
And while we have an entire season to get to know these designers, first impressions are key. After taking time to read each bio and watch some videos I thought I would share my initial thoughts about the de-sasters...I mean designers.
And while we have an entire season to get to know these designers, first impressions are key. After taking time to read each bio and watch some videos I thought I would share my initial thoughts about the de-sasters...I mean designers.
I have three words for her after watching the sneak peek...
“Pushy, pushy, pushy.”
“Pushy, pushy, pushy.”
“Not afraid to do whatever it takes to be successful.”
...I can see he’s going to make this interesting.

...I can see he’s going to make this interesting.

Worked for Prince, huh?...
According to Kevin Smith that ain’t so easy.
According to Kevin Smith that ain’t so easy.
Allergic to the suburbs?
Allergic to the suburbs?
So snobbery isn’t owned only by the overly educated.
Mother of 2, speaks 4 languages,
Mother of 2, speaks 4 languages,
owns a design/architecture firm,
teaches at 2 universities, married…
if she dyes her hair pink on this show
teaches at 2 universities, married…
if she dyes her hair pink on this show
I might have to make up a super hero name for her.
“...Knew he wanted to be a designer in kindergarten”
I bet he hogged the crayons
I bet he hogged the crayons
and colored construction paper...
and got beat up a lot.
However, knew from the age of 7
...Matt would consider her a late bloomer.
However, knew from the age of 7
...Matt would consider her a late bloomer.
Grew up in Western Mass on a farm, huh?
I don’t know if that entitles you to “taste”...we’ll see.
Grew up in Western Mass on a farm, huh?
I don’t know if that entitles you to “taste”...we’ll see.
“...works all day and all night”...
“...works all day and all night”...
Surprised she still married.
I’ll take odds she’s the first who wants to go to sleep
on a night when they are on a short deadline
He thinks his greatest design achievement is his house...hmm...
I don’t know what to think, let alone say about that?
So that’s it for now...I guess we’ll see if I need to start up my own psychic hotline. I wonder if Dion Warwick is available? If not I hear Celine Dion will be in a year...but I digress.
Go judge them for yourself and let us know your predictions!
Posted: Damselfly
Labels: Designers
I haven't had time to judge the contestants as yet, but I thought of a fine idea for another thread. I'd enjoy seeing what sort of contests _we'd_ try on them. We know from other blogs that the first episode has the cast designing for a big client, but we don't know who. If you wanted me to choose one, I'd go with a client who wasn't upscale, like Denny's. Face it, SOMEBODY had to come up with the look of that place, with or without the use of copious amounts of alcohol.
Really...I thought they came up with a look for that place in the 50's and then just rotated colors!
I mean with Denny's isn't brown the new orange and orange the new brown?
That was kinda of a mean post about some of the contestants. I don't think you needed to say such personal things about people that you know nothing about.
No offense meant...only teasing and all in the spirit of blogging.
They participated in giving the info for their bios. I was simple doing what I said I was doing looking at first impressions.
Come on, lighten up! You go on a show like this to put yourself out there....for the good and the bad.
Besides, we'll all be judging them later for their actions...now is the time we can only go off what they want us to read about them.
I'm sorry if I offended you personally in some way but this is the nature of how I write.
Heehee...I must say ya'll are right on if not in your snap judgement of us, but about the fact that we put ourselves out there good or bad. I am a snark gossip lover from the debut Gawker days and if these comments were not about "me", I would LOVE them. As a participant in Top D, I made a choice to subject myself to adoration or abuse ( 99%abuse) for the opportunity for exposure. That's the breaks. And the fun of it. And with out this shot, it would take years for my work to be noticed at all. xo heather
First let me say WELCOME and thanks for stopping by!
Let me also say...You may have come across as "pushy" in the preveiw but you just came across as "smart" in my veiw.
I look forward to seeing you on the show, and now I might even root for yah! heehee!;o)
I'll tell you a secret...I'm smart...but I'm really pushy too! :) I prefer passionate, or even bossy. Pushy sounds so empty. Like a nag. I think I deserve a better word. I totally back up this forum for your honest opinion. If you feel mean, be mean! If someone has issue, they can start their own GD blog! The spirit of blogging is the fuel for the medium so go for it. Bad pr is better than none right!
I would love to get in contact with you for an interview or just to get your opinion over the course of the season so we can let the readers know some behind the scenes gossip. If you want email us your contact info. And I would be happy to get in touch with you about the details.
Thanks again for your time and comments.
The powers that be are a little trippy about formal contact. If I can stay under the radar and just drop a comment here or there...it goes unnoticed and gives me the freedom to be supportive and lets me have a little fun with the whole experience. I'll keep in touch as long as you and your readers keep interested. And the moment we can really chat, I'll let you know. I've got a loud voice and I like to use it....WHATEVER!
Thanks...we look forward to hearing more!
I know Andrea personally, and have worked with her on another make-over show. She's great--smart, funny, kinda goofy and can actually use power tools. I don't know if she wins, but I hope she does. I'm pretty sure she doesn't end up with pink hair.
Wow if she can use power tools too...than I'm not waiting for the pink hair...I dub her Superior Interior!
I'm too classy to ask if the carpet and the curtains match, but I am wondering.......
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