Diva Of The Week.
"I woke up this morning wanting to check my favorite blog
OK, OK, don't get your panties in a wad girlie!
Bravo can be so cruel.
Here's a picture of Michael after his sex change operation.
Labels: Diva of the Week
Labels: Diva of the Week
Labels: Carpenters, Interview
Us: For us poor peasants that can't afford the big name designs, where would you recommend that we shop at?
FB: I am impressed by the amount of products coming out of many retailers like crate & barrel or even target. The quality obviously suffers because you really do get what you pay for but until the time comes that you can afford a designer or at least designer items, these retailers have a lot to offer.
Us: Have you ever designed anything that made you say, "What was I thinking?"
FB: No. I even liked the afghan that the judges hated so much. That’s not to say I haven’t made mistakes, we all do, but I am the first one to fix them. In the real world I would never leave a project until my client was 100% satisfied!
Us: What one commonly used object would you like to trash or rip apart when you see it? What would you replace it with?
FB: Cheap throw pillows, they look like crap and feel like crap! Either find or make better ones or if you can't afford it then go without!
Us: You enter a newly decorated room and the host and hostess are waiting expectantly for your verdict. You absolutely hate everything about it and in it. What's the fall back phrase you'll use?
FB: I always look for something, anything even if it’s just one little thing that I can actually admire. I have a hard time lying, people can see right through me. So if it’s the workmanship of the painter or the stain color on the wood, something, then I will use that to expand upon. Bottom line is that if they love it then that is beautiful.
Us: If you owned stock in this item, would you buy, trade, or sell? Why?
1. Lava Lamps
FB: SELL! Ugly!
2. Marble counter tops
FB: BUY! Fab! But I would work on a better sealer to protect them!
3. Media rooms
FB: BUY! Entertainment will always be a money maker.
4. Motorized window treatments
FB: BUY! Especially necessary in our media rooms! Just hit the TV remote and close the shades, I love it!
5. Doggie doors
FB: SELL! Just not a product that I care about, I need to love the look, the design, I care too much about beauty and details.
Us: If you couldn't be a designer, what would you be doing?
FB: Definitely fashion design. I love working with fabrics, texture, pattern and color and I LOVE clothes!
Us: What is your favorite
FB: Moulin Rouge
FB:A cookbook
Vacation Spot:
Guilty Pleasure:
FB:long hot bath on a busy day
TV Show:
Us:Who do you admire/respect?
FB: So many people in my field! I really like the designs I see by Joe Naham, I am always inspired by his work and he is a dear person as well!
Us: What trend do you hope never comes back?
FB:Over developing, the whole “McMansion” era. It was quantity over quality and it just makes me cringe. I would rather have less and have it be great quality than have more cheap crap!
Us:Anything you would like to say to the readers?
FB: I cannot believe the amount of support I have received from people across the nation that I don’t even know. People have been so kind to take the time to tell me that they thought my work, my style, etc really shined on the show and that I shouldn’t have been eliminated. I can’t tell you how moved I am by this, truly touched and I thank all of you for reaching out. Please continue to visit my website feliciabushman.com as I will continue to add completed projects and hopefully soon a line of furnishings and accessories too! I really just want to say THANK YOU!
Us: Thanks for playing along and we wish you lots of luck.
Labels: Felicia, interior designer, Interview
Labels: Colr Pickr
We have updates regarding the carpenters. Read below
What will we do?
I know, let's meet the carpenters.
When Todd first said, " here are the carpenters", I thought we were going to meet them all. Is this like Project Runway... with the models? Does a carpenter leave each week? Who are these talented professionals? Hell, they were the prize for this weeks winner. You think we would have met them all.
Matt's carpenter is Cary Kirk.
And now the 6 million dollar question.
Who cleans up this mess while the designers go get all pretty for the judges and the white room?
So many questions!!! We'll see if we can get answers.
So we have some answers and are thrilled to begin hearing from these talented people. We will continue to learn more about them and share with all of you.
So now it is your turn to leave comments about the carpenters and to vote for your favorite carpenter for this week.
Labels: Carpenters, Poll
In an intense competition, the introduction of these legal drugs will separate the weak from the strong, affecting our designtestants’ creativity. It is evident that our petite Felicia could not withstand this double drug assault.
Had she ingested one good square meal that morning, I’m sure we would have seen a different outcome.
The Bobble Won't Wobble AwardFelicia, dear, you didn’t just stumble, you fell headlong into the tasteless trap of the psychedelic 70’s. Former hippies must have descended from their mountain top commune and dragged everything out of their passive solar houses right into that garage sale.
Trash It Award Oh, Ryan, you jokester! The fun was on us, wasn’t it? Fess up. After I studied your t-shirt for Top Design, I realized that you had revealed your contempt for traditional design concepts early on.
You were going full tilt for the Women in Prison theme, thinking you were keeping the joke to yourself. But Ms. Place wasn’t born yesterday. When she was an art student, she viewed a number of these art house movies. However, you got one vital element wrong, dahling. Every woman in a prison movie must go through the obligatory shower scene, and you forgot to install the stall.
At first I thought your room divider was really tasteless, then I realized that you had made an elaborate cat’s cradle.
Instead of a symmetrical creation, your wood bars looked like a web a spider on too much caffeine had made, such as in this research lab.
This is your brain on caffeine
In fact, viewing your room reminded me of poor Frodo entering Shelob’s Lair. After being trapped for one day in that environment, your poor client would have been ready to join the women in Caged. You can’t fool another artist, dahling, we know crap when we see and hear it, and yours needs a bulldozer to shovel it out.
Labels: Taste Patrol